Tuesday, 19 October 2010

18th October

Now you should have a good set of man made and nature photographs.
You have been given lots of worksheets recently so you need to use those to guide you in your note making.
1. Choose the images you are most happy with and edit it them in iphoto using, crop, enhance and adjustments.
2. Keep print screening your process, print these out and annotate them in your sketch book until you are happy with an image that you should print out larger and annotate according to the worksheets.
3. Now you need to think about a conceptual approach to your texture pictures, look for existing artists and respond to their work. Try overlaying images and changing opacity or consider the work of Lisa Creagh and her 'digital garden'. Here is an interesting article about her

On her website there is a very good article where her work is written about in fine art terms, perfect as a guide for the style of writing you should be aspiring to.

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